Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Roots, what do you think of when you see that word?  Ok yes I've looked in a mirror and I need a highlight. My roots are nasty. Ok wait not those roots. The kinda where you came from, where we all started.  This whole experience has made my appreciation for my family even stronger. I'm proud of where I came from.

I was always taught you don't quit, don't give up. Trudge on, fight for what you believe in and achieve your goals. Is it hard at times heck yeah. There were times I was so frustrated as a kid with my parents for not allowing me to quit. But it wasn't an option. I thank God and my parents everyday for that.

We have an amazing support system around us, but today for me I need to put my family in the spotlight. Not to minimize anyone else but I need to recognize my family.  From my parents who taught me to be the person I am today to my grandparents who were all amazing people.  I'm surrounded by amazing family.  My family may not have any idea how much they mean to me, how they have helped.  From one of my aunts coming to help with the kids when Sophia was taken to Children's for emergency surgery to another one of my aunts who is also my Godmother sending me messages to help me through this.  My family knows me well and then have all been there. I have heard from all of my relatives through this and it means so much to me, to us.  You have no idea how much you have helped.

So the next time your family frustrates you, stop and really think.  They helped make you who you are today!

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